Lesotho Monitoring and Evaluation Team

All the reviews and reporting processes will be carried out jointly by the Government and the United Nations.
The Lesotho UN Development Assistance Plans (LUNDAP) Result Working Groups (RWG) are ultimately responsible for monitoring and reporting on results against baseline values, which in turn will feed into the annual LUNDAP review meetings and progress reports.
The Programme Management Team (PMT) is entrusted to coordinate, guide and spearhead the programme planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes. The PMT will be supported by the Results Working Groups and Cross-sectoral task force teams.
The RC Office is responsible for ensuring that RWGs monitor and report on results, and that all joint monitoring activities are implemented according to the plans. The RC Office supports the PMT in interagency coordination for M&E Task Team.
The UNCT is responsible for endorsing results and progress reports, managing the PMT and interfacing with government.
The M&E Task Team provides an advisory role and technical guidance to the RWGs and PMT on all M&E activities.
Each agency is also responsible for the data collection and reporting of agency contributions (output results) to the LUNDAP outputs and outcomes. Agencies must actively participate in joint M&E activities and should continually inform the technical working groups of issues arising and programmatic changes that may affect the achievement of output results and accordingly discuss corrective measures.
Terms of References of: LUNDAP M&E Task Team and Result Working Groups
LUNDAP M&E Task Team:
Mandate and purpose
The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Task Team is responsible to provide oversight and support for planning, monitoring and evaluation. The Task Team will provide technical advice to the UNCT, Programme Management Team (PMT) and Result Working Groups (RWG) to monitor and report on results, and carry out targeted process evaluations.
Role and Responsibilities of the Task Team members
- Provide oversight and technical support to monitor and evaluate the LUNDAP, including guidance on indicator selection and revision; and sharing best practices and tools.
- Support generation and sharing of knowledge on thematic areas.
- Develop and conduct M&E activities, including: quality assurance, situation monitoring and analysis, performance monitoring.
- Develop and maintain functionality tools to track and manage knowledge.
- Regularly support review and updating of eMIS.
- Support the Results Working Groups to monitor, track and report on results, budget performance, progress and contributions to outcomes and outputs.
- Review and update the LUNDAP M&E Calendar and work plan on a regular basis.
- Support the UNCT to evaluate projects and programmes for allocation of resources.
- Work with other M&E Task Teams for “Delivering as One” pilot countries, to share experiences and lessons learned.
- Undertake M&E capacity building for UN staff and counterparts.
Role of the Chair of the M&E Task Team
- Convene meetings of the Task Team.
- Coordinate inputs from team members and ensure follow-up on actions, when required.
- Liaise with the RCO to receive strategic input from Non-Resident Agencies.
- Monitor implementation of the work-plan.
The Task Team is composed of M&E focal points from the specific UN agencies. The Chair and the Team Leader are nominated by the RC.
Working arrangements
The M&E Task Team may meet as often as necessary to carry out its responsibilities (minimum on a monthly basis).
Results Working Groups
Mandate and Purpose
The six Cluster Working Groups serve as the coordination mechanism to enable the development, implementation, quality, coherence and consistency of programme activities specified in the LUNDAP.
Role and Responsibilities of the Cluster Working Group members:
- Develop and implement programme activities outlined in the LUNDAP, and ensure the alignment of time-frames to implement activities across Agencies.
- Develop monthly reports on programmatic activities to be submitted to the PMT.
- Support UN participation in policy dialogue, when required, by developing policy briefs in specific thematic areas.
- Develop project proposals for approval and budgetary support to the Country Programme Steering Committee.
- Prepare consolidated planning documents for their associated outcome areas.
- Liaise with the cross-sectoral task forces as required.
- Collaborate with the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Task Team to review and design LUNDAP Monitoring and Evaluation indicators; monitor the progress of programmes; and provide updated LUNDAP reports and recommendations to the PMT.
- Advise and support the UNCT to create a unified strategic-planning framework by helping to identify potential areas for joint programming and/or programmes.
- Recommend to the UNCT a new task force to support programme implementation.
Role of the Conveners of the RWGs
Each Outcome Working Group has a designated convener, selected by the RCO, with the responsibility to:
- Organize meetings of the RWGs.
- Coordinate input from team members, and ensure follow-up on actions, where required.
- Liaise with the RCO to receive strategic input from Non-Resident Agencies.
- Meet monthly with the PMT to present and discuss progress reports.
The RWGs are co-chaired by two designated UN Agencies, at least one of which acts as a lead agency for the relevant outcome area. The RWG should be composed of at least one representative from each Agency involved with delivering programmes in that outcome area. The RWGs are free to invite donor or government counterparts to their meetings.
Working arrangements
The Results Working Groups meet on a quarterly basis – and whenever necessary.
Operational Modalities of the M&E Task Team and RWG
The M&E Task Team will be co-chaired by two UN member agencies selected by UNCT on annual rotation basis with the support of one RC Office staff.
The Chairpersons will represent the M&E Task Team in LUNDAP PMT meetings while the RC Office staff will be responsible for documenting and sharing meeting notes/minutes.
The M&E TT will meet minimum 12 times a year-once every month, and more frequently if deemed necessary. The Co-Chairpersons and the Secretary will prepare an agenda in consultation with group members. The Secretary will circulate minutes no later than ONE week after the meeting.
LUNDAP M&E activities: Brief Summary
The monitoring and evaluation activities are based on the LUNDAP Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan. The plan should clearly map out each agency’s data collection activities to ensure a synergy and coherence among different agencies.
On the basis of the LUNDAP M&E Plan, progress will be reviewed quarterly and the plan will be updated to reflect significant unexpected changes and modify the priorities initially selected, as required.