Lesotho Programme Management Team

The Programme Management Team (PMT) provides advisory support to the UN Country Team on inter-agency programmatic issues, and provides guidance to the LUNDAP.
With the newly functioning M & E working groups and results clusters now being chaired by Heads of Agencies, the role of the PMT has changed slightly, mainly to serve as a body that provides technical oversight on UN programme of cooperation (UNDAF, joint programme design) and its implementation with quality assurances and ensure linkages on cross cutting issues.
Mandate and purpose
Cluster Working Groups and Cross-Sectoral Task Forces in terms of quality assurance for documents, reports and proposal development on interagency tasks. It is responsible for proposing recommendations on how to continue to operationalize the LUNDAP and to help the M & E Working Group to find solutions to data gaps that prevent us from reporting solid, accurate and measurable results.
Role and Responsibilities
With regards to the LUNDAP, the PMT has responsibility to:
• Provide overall programme coordination and technical support to develop, implement and review the LUNDAP with inputs from the M&E Working Group, and all Clusters as needed.
• Compile programme-progress reports on the Results Clusters, identify key challenges and develop recommendations for delivering activities, to be submitted and presented at UNCT meetings, based on inputs from the results Cluster Working Groups and Cross-Sectoral Task Forces mid-year and in preparation of the LUNDAP Annual Review.
• Review critical programme documents to ensure the UN adopts, presents and communicates a holistic approach to programming.
• Provide guidance and support for the effective monitoring of overall progress towards achieving LUNDAP results, while also working closely with the Results Cluster Working Groups and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Task Force.
• Conduct an annual performance review of the Results Cluster Working Groups in consultation with the Results Cluster Chairpersons and Team Leaders.
• Review the evaluation reports provided by the Results Cluster Working Groups and Planning and M&E Working Group and submit to the UNCT for approval.
With regards to the ‘UN Joint Programmes,’ the PMT has responsibility to:
• Review proposals and provide recommendations to the Country Programme Steering Committee, regarding resource-allocation for projects, according to allocation procedures agreed to in the One Fund.
Role of the PMT Chair
• Convene meetings of the PMT.
• Guide the Team Leader to coordinate inputs from team members, and ensure follow-up on
actions, when required.
• Liaise with the RCO to receive strategic input from Non-Resident Agencies.
• Present regular reports and recommendations on programmatic activities to the UNCT.
• Coordinate regular meetings with the Results Cluster Working Group Team Leaders for
clarity when required and report findings to the UNCT.
The PMT is composed of the Deputies (or equivalent representatives) from the Resident Agencies in
Lesotho. The Resident Coordinator’s Office is the representative of the Non- Resident Agencies.
Working arrangements
The PMT meets at least once a quarter, or as required, to carry out its duties. The Chair may call a
special meeting, if required. The Resident Coordinator’s Office acts as PMT Secretariat.