UNDAF JSC Meets to Review LUNDAP Results and UNDAF Joint Work Plans (2019-2020)

The government of Lesotho and UN agencies met to review the results of the UN Development Assistance Plan (2013-2018).
The Government of Lesotho and UN Agencies convened a first United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF, 2019-2023) Joint Steering Committee (JSC) meeting to review the results of the Lesotho UN Development Assistance Plan (2013-2018) concluded in 2018 and to endorse the new UNDAF Joint Work Plans for 2019-2020.
The meeting was co-chaired by the Hon. Minister of Development Planning Mr. Tlohelang Aumane and UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Salvator Niyonzima. In his remarks, the Honorable Minister expressed appreciation for continued partnership and collaboration with the UN system in support of Lesotho’s sustainable development.
“The implementation of the three main pillars of the UNDAF will enhance the implementation of the national development plan. The importance of regular meetings of this nature where we (partners) will reflect on the performance of the implementation of the UNDAF is crucial, in order to solve hiccups if there will be as promptly as possible and make amendments where necessary”, noted the Honorable Minister.
As highlighted by the Resident Coordinator, the UNDAF Joint Steering Committee meeting is a stepping stone towards continued national ownership of the UNDAF and clearer attribution of the UN’s contribution to national priorities for accountability purposes. The new UNDAF is fully in line with the Key Priority Areas of the National Strategic Development Plan II (NSDP II) and the RC commended the Government of Lesotho on the finalization of National Strategic Development Plan II with special acknowledgement to the Ministry of Development Planning for its leadership role. RC also noted that the UNDAF Joint Steering Committee meeting will help to discuss how the joint work will accelerate progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through the new UNDAF 2019-2023, and using the Delivering as One approach that the UN Family and the Government agreed upon since 2009.
The UNDAF Joint Steering Committee is a collaborative effort of the United Nations Lesotho and the Government of Lesotho to provide strategic direction to the UNDAF 2019-2023 by overseeing the development and the implementation of joint annual or bi-annual work plans (JWPs). Based on data and evidence presented in the Joint UN Annual Results Reports, the JSC will review progress against results indicators, and assess performance in forming partnerships, resource mobilization and delivery. The JSC will be assisted by a joint UNDAF Secretariat, with support from the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office.
The UNDAF (2019-2023) was signed with the Government of Lesotho in August 2018. It builds on three -pillars that have been set through stakeholder consultative process with engagement of 8 Resident and 18 Non-Resident UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes. These pillars are: 1: Accountable Governance, Effective Institutions, Social Cohesion and Inclusion; 2: Sustainable Human Capital Development; 3: Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Growth for Poverty Reduction. With the SDGs at its core, this UNDAF plans to invest an estimated USD 256 M into the development of Kingdom in the Sky. Out of this amount, USD 159 M is projected to be available through agency’s funds and USD 97 M to be mobilized.
For more information please contact:
Ms. Asel Abdurahmanova, UN Coordination Specialist, Resident Coordinator’s Office
Mob. +; email: asel.abdurahmanova@one.un.org