SDG Challenge Prize Winners Trained in Entrepreneurship and Project Management

The SDG Challenge Prize is an innovative initiative that aimed to promote citizens’ engagement in key development challenges.
The United Nations in Lesotho in collaboration with the National University of Lesotho and the Ministry of Development Planning conducted a three days’ training for the winners of the SDG Challenge Prize at the United Nations Conference Hall. The mandatory Entrepreneurial Skills and Project Management training organized with support of the private sector was meant to help winners with skills they need to achieve their initiative’s envisioned goals.
The SDG Challenge Prize is an innovative initiative that aimed to promote citizens’ engagement in key development challenges defined by the youth of Lesotho and to created innovative solutions in the topics at stake. The key focus areas covered in this competition included SDGs, HIV and AIDS and the behaviors of young people, as well as education and unemployment. The SDG Challenge Prize was launched on the 24th November 2016 at the National University of Lesotho. The 10 most innovative solutions were awarded with the SDG Challenge Prize consisting of a monetary contribution of US$2,000 to kick-start the initiatives.
On the first day, Stephen Monyamane of The Entrepreneurs’ Network indulged participants on an intensive entrepreneurial skills session that involved practical exercises. Thato Chabeli, one of the participants said he is grateful for the SDG Challenge Prize initiative as it gives him an opportunity to make his dream come true of saving water by building dams and farming fish while at it.
Inspire Innovation facilitated the training on day two, where Mrs. Likeleli Monyamane covered a session on Personal Finance Management as well as Financial Management for business. "We have to change our mindset about what building wealth means. It doesn't mean driving around in the latest BMW, but it means being able to build a lasting investment and legacy for generations to come”, she said.
On the third and final day participants learned how to successfully manage a project and how to develop an Action- and Implementation Plan for their initiatives. They also were given the opportunity to have a face to face session with professionals in different fields to present their initiatives and receive feedback and further advise on the implementation process.
The SDG Challenge Prize also focused on raising awareness around the Sustainable Development Goals agenda, and to urge the youth in Lesotho to be involved in these efforts.
For more information please contact:
Ms. Asel Abdurahmanova, UN Coordination Specialist, (
Mr. Mirko Ebelshaeuser, Innovations Officer, (