United Nations Day 2020- Newsletter

The United Nations in Lesotho celebrated 2020 UN Day on Friday 23rd October, as the 24th October fell on a
weekend. The celebrations consisted of a clean-up campaign in the morning and a model UN event in the
afternoon. The UN in Lesotho also launched an online essay competition in partnership with the European
Union earlier this year, where Basotho youth were asked to be a part of the UN75 conversation by writing
essays which express their hopes and fears for 2045, when the UN turns 100. The top ten essays were selected
through a rigorous marking process by the UN and the EU, and the prize giving ceremony was held on 30
October 2020 at the EU Residence in Maseru where the top essay writers got to interact with the UN Resident
Coordinator and the EU ambassador over lunch as one of the competition prizes.